
John Pretor Pinney

Country house

Racedown House

Broadwindsor (Dorset)

Built 1st Jan 1785


'Racedown, house nearly 2¾ m. W.S.W. of the parish church [of Broadwindsor, Dorset], is of three storeys; the walls are of local brick in Flemish bond with blue headers and ashlar dressings and the roofs are covered with slates. The original house was built by John Pretor Pinney c. 1785, and the wings were added subsequently; the porch is modern.

The original E. front is symmetrical; the porch is flanked by sash windows consisting of a wide middle light and narrow side lights in a Roman Doric frame, with fluted frieze with oval medallions and cornice. At first-floor level is a flat string. The windows on first and second floor have moulded architraves, that over the entrance has in addition a plain frieze and cornice. There is a stone cornice at eaves-level returning round the building and a parapet-wall. The windows in the remaining fronts are similar to those on the upper floors of the E. elevation, with the exception of some on the second floor which are round, with moulded architraves and four keystones. There are broad panelled chimney-stacks on the N. and S. ends.

Inside the building there are original plaster dentil-cornices and some fittings of the period, including, in the hall, fluted pilasters and two niches with shell-heads and, in the S. room, a fireplace and overmantel and a similar niche reset.'

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