
Archibald Ingram of St Kitts and St Vincent

???? - 1778


Appointed to the Council of St Vincent in 1771, and presumably the same man as the head of the firm of Archibald Ingram & Co. of St Kitts, in which Alexander Hamilton's father James was employed. Biographies of Alexander Hamilton identify Archibald Ingram of St Kitts as the son of the Glasgow tobacco lord of the same name. Archibald Ingram was party to deeds of lease and release of 31/08/1775 and 01/09/1775 (when he was described as formerly of St Vincent but then of Downing Street in London and formerly a co-partner in James Ingram & Co. of Glasgow) with George Oswald, George Miller the elder, William McCormack and John Glassford of Glasgow, the trustees for the creditors of James Ingram & Co.: in the deeds Archibald Ingram mortgaged a number of tracts of land and urban property and enslaved people (including a coffee estate known as Thatched House plantation) on St Vincent to the trustees, to secure the agreed payments of £3500 (plus interest) that Ingram had originally pledged to the creditors of James Ingram & Co. in 1771, of which he had to the date of the deeds paid only £50.

  1. Archibald Ingram wrote his will in 1776 leaving an annuity of £50 p.a. to Catherine Burnett, spinster, of Stratford. At the time he was of Stratford near Bow, Essex, shortly to travel again to St Vincent. All rest and remainder, including plantations and "negroes" in trust to his natural son with Catherine, Archibald Hyndman Ingram. In default to the children of his sister Agnes Gilchrist of the City of Edinburgh. The will was sworn after Ingram's death in October 1778.


TNA, PC 1/60/9 25/05/1771 [accessed 12/01/2018]; e.g. Ron Chernow Alexander Hamilton [text online, https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=XPknDAAAQBAJ&pg=PT29&lpg=PT29&dq=%22archibald+ingram%22+%22st+kitts%22&source=bl&ots=1w2XQip6PI&sig=jkosPjFzEpw5h7L-WWNdVSnHuQ8&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwivnqKIp9LYAhUpiaYKHT50C10Q6AEIQjAJ#v=onepage&q=%22archibald%20ingram%22%20%22st%20kitts%22&f=false]; Deed Book 1776-1777, British Library, EAP688/1/1/27, https://eap.bl.uk/archive-file/EAP688-1-1-27 pp. 85-98.

  1. Deed Book 1778-1781, British Library, EAP688/1/1/29, [accessed 01/04/2019] pp. 18-20. Note Agnes Ingram and Archibald Gilchrist had at least 8 children baptised in Edinburgh between 1764 and 1781.

We are grateful to Nicola Redway for her assistance with compiling this entry.

Further Information

Archibald Hyndman Ingram

Archibald Ingrams Will. No 1110 Lodged 6th Novr 1778.


Archibald Ingram, late of the island of St Vincent in America, now of Stratford near Bow in Essex, but shortly going again to the said Island.

To John Mills and Sherland Swans[t]on, both of London, merchants, William Walker, Jonathan Atkinson and William Neale all of St Vincent, my executors, £100 sterling each.

To Catherine Burnet of Stratford, aforesaid, spinster, an annuity of £50 sterling for life, chargeable on all my plantations, lands, hereditaments and premises I shall die possessed of.

To my executors, all my plantations, messuages, lands, tenements, negros or slaves, hereditaments and premises and all my real and personal estate upon trust for the use and benefit of my natural son Archibald Hyndman Ingram of Stratford, son of Catherine Burnett spinster, and to his heirs, administrators and assigns for ever in case he shall live to attain his age of 21 years. But in case he shall die under that age of 21 the upon trust to all the children of my sister Agnes Gilchrist of the city of Edinburgh living at the decease of my natural son, as tenants in common.

My executors to manage my plantations in such a manner as they shall think proper.

Signed 27/04/1776.

Sworn in St Vincent 30/10/1778.

Associated Estates (1)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
Previous owner

Tentatively inferred by LBS to have been the 'Ingram' shown as the original purchaser of Lot No. 109 (126 acres) that became Ottley Hall.

Legacies Summary

Commercial (1)
