
Sir James Ramsay soi-disant Bart.

???? - 1807


Became 'Sir James Ramsay' by court decision in succession to Sir Gilbert Ramsay of Balmain in 1806 and died in Edinburgh in 1807. His brother Thomas assumed the title in 1807.

  1. Will of Sir James Ramsay bart. of St Peter Barbados proved 18/06/1808. He left his brother Thomas Ramsay 100 guineas and his nephew James Painman [?] 'my mulatto man slave Johnny'. His residuary legatees were his four sisters and nephew: Helen Painman, Elizabeth Ramsay, Mary Ramsay and Isabella Ramsay and James Painman.


Scots Magazine Vol. 68 (1806) p. 725: he was served heir 'by the unanimous verdict of a respectable jury'; Annual Register Vol. 49 (1807) p. 560.

  1. PROB 11/1481/195.

Further Information


Addresses (1)

Edinburgh, Midlothian, Central Scotland, Scotland