
Catarinaburg & Fransenburg

Estate Details

Associated People (1)

The dates listed below have different categories as denoted by the letters in the brackets following each date. Here is a key to explain those letter codes:

  • SD - Association Start Date
  • SY - Association Start Year
  • EA - Earliest Known Association
  • ED - Association End Date
  • EY - Association End Year
  • LA - Latest Known Association
1818 [EA] - 1828 [LA] → Owner

Associated Claims (1)

£9,864 1S 3D
Highly tentative inferred association


Berbice - not yet traced in the compensation records

Estate Information (3)

What is this?

[Name] Fransenburg, Oleron, Abramsburg, Johannesburg, Monbeaux, Magdalenenburg en Amsterdam  

Plantagie Fransenburg etc. Eigenaresse ['owneress'] wed [widow] Jean et Fitzeaux; Adminis. J.B. Durleu; Directeur C. Hoffbauer. Tentative association only with the 1818 Catarinaburg and Fransenburg in the 1818 Slave Register.

Naam-Lyst der Bestierders, officieren, bediendens en plantagien op de colonie de Berbice (Amsterdam, 1794) [transcribed by Paul Koulen, 2011] p. 16
[Number of enslaved people] 191(Tot) 91(F) 100(M)  
[Name] Catarinaburg & Fransenburg  

Return of slaves attached to Plantation Catarinaburg and Fransensburg situated on the Upper Canje. This return made by F.F. Gallez proprietor 14/12/1817.

Possibly corresponds to British Guiana claim no. 90 in the compensation records

T71/437 147-149
[Number of enslaved people] 231(Tot)  
[Name] Catharinasburg and Francenburg  

Return of slaves attached to Pln. Catharinasburg & Francenburg the property of L.F. Gallez

T71/443 485-488