
Robert Robertson of Auchleeks


Portrait of Robert Robertson, 9th Laird of Auchleeks (1777-1859) by Frederick Richard Say

A portrait of Robert Robertson, 9th Laird of Auchleeks (1777-1859) by Frederick Richard Say was sold at Christie's 22/11/2006 for £33,500, when it as described as: 'Portrait of Robert Robertson, 9th Laird of Auchleeks (1777-1859), in a green jacket and red waistcoat, with his wife Bridget, in a red and black dress with a green shawl, and two of their daughters, Bridget, seated in a white dress with an open book on her lap, and Amelia, in a yellow dress, in a landscape.'



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Dispersal Date
30th Nov -0001