
Walter Kennedy Lawrie


The Holy Family, Raphael Workshop

The Holy Family, Raphael Workshop [also known as the Madonna of Loreto] is in the J.P Morgan Library, acquired by J.P. Morgan presumably as a Raphael and now de-attributed. In the provenance for the Morgan version is included 'G. or W. Kennedy Laurie, Florence.'

In his will Walter Kennedy Lawrie gave consent for his picture by Rafael [sic] to be sold for no less than 30,000 scudi.

The Boxall Papers in The National Archives has a reference to 'Mr Lawrie's paintings:

Letter from Frederic W. Burton to William Boxall 24/06/[1874] 'Asking Boxall to view a number of Mr Lawrie's paintings at Colnaghi's, including the Loreto Madonna by Raphael, a Benozzo Gozzoli and a Simone Martini.'



Further Information

Current Location
Dispersal Date
30th Nov -0001
Current Owner
J.P. Morgan Library