
British Guiana 566 (Pln Bladen Hall)

30th Nov 1835 | 101 Enslaved | £5228 6s 9d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 120.

T71/885: claim from Thomas Murray, as mortgagee and receiver.

T71/1610: letter, dated 14/12/1835, from Thomas Murray, of Liverpool, written from London, referring to delays caused by 'the receiver' in the claim.

T71/429 pp. 358-361: enslaved persons were registered on Bladen Hall estate by H. Charner [sp?] for Wm. and Hugh Hughes in 1832.

See also British Guiana claim no. 2526.

Further Information

British Guiana
Claim No.
Pln Bladen Hall
Collected by
Murray, Thos

Associated Individuals (1)

Awardee (Mortgagee)

Associated Estates (1)