
British Guiana 2398A&B (Vrouw Anna)

13th Mar 1837 | 285 Enslaved | £14904 0s 5d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

The award was split -

2398A: £8498 6s 9d went to Campbell.

2398B: £6405 13s 8d went to Adam, dated 25/07/1836.  

Number of enslaved persons is not given in Parliamentary Papers.

T71/887: claim by the heirs of Milliken Craig and John Craig. Counterclaim from Fredk Huth & co., London merchants, as assignees of a charge of 100,000 florins on 5/8ths share of the Vrouw Anna estate, under the will of Jan Bonjes.


T. M. Devine, 'An eighteenth-century business élite: Glasgow-West India merchants, c. 1750-1815', Scottish Historical Review, 57 (1) (April, 1978), p. 57.

Further Information

British Guiana
Claim No.
Vrouw Anna

Associated Individuals (8)

Beneficiary deceased (Heir-at-law)
Unsuccessful claimant (consensual)
Unsuccessful claimant (Mortgagee)
Beneficiary deceased
Previous owner (not making a claim)
Previous owner (not making a claim)
Awardee (Judgement creditor)

Associated Estates (1)