
Jamaica Portland 231 (Norwich)

8th Nov 1838 | 182 Enslaved | £3017 0s 11d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Not listed in Parliamentary Papers.

T71/868: claim by Geo. Atkinson, as receiver. Counterclaims e.g. from Mary Ann Prince (a widow, of Bath, Somerset - see T71/1201) by her attorney G.K. Prince, for an annuity of £250; from Rev. Wm. Woollams Holland (of Chichester - see T71/1201) and Rev. James Peter Rhodes (of Clonmell in Tipperary), as assignees of a term of 1000 years created by the marriage settlement of Charles Forbes and his wife. Mary Ann Prince's annuitant counterclaim was replicated on the basis that the annuity was charged on all property, not just enslaved persons, and so should have only a proportion of the compensation.

T71/157 p. 4: Geo. Atkinson registered 189 enslaved persons in 1832.

Jamaica Almanacs (1826 & 1833): Norwich estate registered to James F. Colthirst (resident).

Further Information

Claim No.

Associated Individuals (5)

Claimants in List E or Chancery cases (Annuitant)
Other association
Claimants in List E or Chancery cases (Assignee)
Claimants in List E or Chancery cases (Assignee)

Associated Estates (1)