
Jamaica St James 158 (Pitfour)

16th Nov 1835 | 50 Enslaved | £814 11s 6d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 71.

T71/873: claim from Elizabeth Lawrence Hay, of Guernsey, as owner-in-fee.

T71/1593 p. 216: letter, dated 17/06/1836, to Mrs E.L. Hay, 7 Dowry Square, Hotwells, Bristol, explaining her compensation. (There appears to be a problem with the compensation or number of enslaved persons here).

T71/1592 p. 214 and p. 286: letters, dated 24/08/1835 and 13/10/1835, to Mrs Elizabeth Hay, Mount Row, Guernsey re. this claim.

T71/1608: letter, received 17/06/1836, from Elizabeth Lawrence Hay, stating: 'In the return...the amount of their value was £2155 - for which I have only received £833 16s 4d. since my return to England from Guernsey, I have enquired of many of my friends and find their compensation has been far higher in proportion than mine. On it depends the chief part of my support'.

Joseph Sturge and Thomas Harvey, The West Indies in 1837 (London, Hamilton, Adams, & Co., 1838) p. liii: no ownership information is given, but statement that: 'Apprentices complain, that taskwork has been set them without their being consulted. They work from six to six, and can get no breakfast or dinner time on acount of the amoun tof work that is set them. - A woman, with a child four months old, is required to do the same work as the rest'.

Further Information

St James
Claim No.

Associated Individuals (1)

Awardee (Owner-in-fee)

Associated Estates (1)