
Jamaica Hanover 511 (Haughton Hall Estate)

13th Mar 1837 | 155 Enslaved | £3018 6s 9d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 305.

T71/915 p. 106: claim from John Haughton James, of Hanover, as owner-in-fee.

T71/1608: letter, dated 16/04/1836, from Edw. Coleman, 14 Howard St., Surrey St., Strand, stating: 'I have been in negotiation with Mr Lake of Lincolns Inn the agent of Mr Philip Haughton James for compromise of the claims entered by Miss Eliza Anne Jackson now Mrs Coleman to prevent litigation but as it is now at an End I must lose no time in service of the notices'.

T71/199 p. 33: 161 enslaved persons registered by John Haughton James in 1832 .

Jamaica Almanac (1833): estate registered to John Haughton James.

Jamaica Almanac (1838): estate registered to Philip Haughton James.

T71/1213: Mary James was the mother of John Haughton James senior, and the aunt (mother-in-law) of Sir S.H. Clarke.

Kathleen Mary Butler, The economics of Emancipation: Jamaica and Barbados 1823-1843 (Chapel Hill and London, University of North Carolina Press, 1995) pp. 50-1: gives details of mortgages by Hawthorn and Shedden.

Further Information

Claim No.
Haughton Hall Estate

Associated Individuals (1)


Associated Estates (1)