
Jamaica Hanover 7 (part) (Friendship Sugar Estate)

12th Dec 1836 | 304 Enslaved | £5235 6s 1d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Parliamentary Papers p. 305.

The award was split: £3335 15s 1d went to Gray, 12/12/1836; £1899 11s 0d went to Gray, 24/07/1837.

T71/915 p. 74: claim from Sarah Gray, of Great Britain, as owner.

T71/872: counterclaim from the Hankeys, as mortgagees of the annuity of £150 payable to Mr James Gray (of Dundee, Scotland - see T71/1212) during the life of his aunt Sarah Gray. 23 enslaved persons are classified as 'forming Mackillop's Gang', for whom an additional £372 11s 4d was held back and paid to Frances Flyn, David Browne and David Inglis.

T71/872: does not confirm Sarah Gray as of Great Britain.

T71/198 p. 257: James Deans acted as attorney to Mrs Sarah Gray, the owner.

B.W. Higman, Plantation Jamaica 1750-1850: capital and control in a colonial economy (Mona, Jamaica, University of West Indies Press, 2005) p. 155: Hawthorn & Shedden, as commission agents, sent a power of attorney from Mrs Gray to Isaac Jackson on 29/09/1839.

Times 11/05/1841 p. 7: shows the death of Sarah Gray, at the house of Wm. Clark, Hackney, London. Sarah Gray, the widow of Patrick Gray Esq., of Foundship [sic] Estate, Jamaica, died after a protracted and severe illness, which she bore with Christian resignation, in the 84th year of her age.

Further Information

Claim No.
7 (part)
Friendship Sugar Estate

Associated Individuals (1)


Associated Estates (1)