
Jamaica St John 225 (Fair Prospect)

10th Feb 1840 | 10 Enslaved | £231 6s 2d

Claim Details

Claim Notes

Not listed in Parliamentary Papers.

T71/854: claim from Alexander Bell, as owner. Counterclaims from judgement creditors, etc.. 'Adjudged that Hugh Halkett and Margaret his wife, Eliza Clare and John Gale Vidal are entitled to £218 15s 10d that Moses Vaz is entitled to £47 19s 1 and that Morales Moses is entitled to £57 8s 11d to be paid to them respectively out of £26 11s 6d part of the compensation monies and out of the Int and accruals due on the whole of the compensation monies up to and inclusive of the Dividend due in July 1839 and also out of £24 3s 0d further part of the comp monies and out of the half yearly didivdends due on the sd sums of £26 11s 6d and £24 3s 0d in Jan of 1840 so far as the same will extend to pay rateably & in proportion to the sums £218 15 10, £47 19 1 and £57 18 11 and that Rowland Mitchell and Samuel Mitchell are entitled to receive the residue (being £180 11s 8d) and to the half yearly dividend due on that sum in Jany 1840 and that the ACCT Gen. do retain the shares of Moses Vaz and Moses Morales to abide future award thereon and do transfer the proportionate shares of Hugh Halkett and Mmargaret his wife Eliza Clare and John Gale Vidal to those parties and also the sum of £180 11s 8d and the half yearly dividend due thereon to Rowland Mitchell and Samuel Mitchell'.

Hugh Halket's (second) wife was Dame Margaret Clare, widow of Sir Michael Clare (see St Catherine claim nos. 199-201, 245, 721).

Jamaica Almanac (1832): Fair Prospect estate, with 35 enslaved persons, registered to Alexander Bell.

Further Information

St John
Claim No.
Fair Prospect

Associated Individuals (8)

Awardee (Judgement creditor)
Awardee (Judgement creditor)
Awardee (Judgement creditor)

Associated Estates (1)